15 Must Know Researched-Backed Weight Loss Methods


WARNING: some of these may surprise you!

We all know about the many fad diets and get skinny-quick schemes. We also know that if it works, the weight creeps right back. You have to diet, exercise AND change your habits for the long term. So let’s look at some of the ways to switch up what you are doing that have been proven to work. If you can implement all of them great, but just implementing a few would be wonderful for your overall health in the long run.

As a physician, I want long-term success for everyone. I want all of us to have long-term sustainable healthy habits. The ultimate goal is to live a longer AND healthier life. Let’s face it, you could live to be 100 years old but also be bedridden or with dementia. The goal is to be well and increase your overall healthy longevity.

Some of the following might not be what you are expecting to read. That is because I cut through all the noise on the internet superhighway and brought you advice from valid and unbiased research (plus decades of my experience!).


1. Significantly decrease the number of foods you eat that are full of carbohydrates, sugars and fats. 

Sorry about this one, but you knew it would be on this list! These would include deserts, breads, many processed foods and much more. It is not going to harm you to cut them out to lose the weight and then gradually add them back into your diet.


2. Increase plain vegetables and fruits in your diet. 

Choose to go for the banana instead of the fig bar! Be wary of anything packaged. I am not a fan of all of the protein bars marketed for your weight. Most of them are quite frankly the opposite of healthy. In addition, ignore all of the people saying fruits are full of sugar and bad. They are not bad unless you have a medical condition where you should be on a certain diet. Fruits are healthy and a much better choice than any “health” bar you will find in the store.


3. Get at least 7-8 hours of sleep a night

Increased sleep leaves you with more energy to exercise and decreases carbohydrate cravings. Read here for more details on how to sleep your weight away!


4. Stop smoking anything. 

This includes marijuana, tobacco, hookah, vapes-anything! Inhalation into your lungs causes inflammation. Inflammation leads to many health issues from fatigue to cancer.


5. Stop drinking alcohol

Alcohol is a large source of calories and it aids in bad food choices. Studies have gone back and forth for years about alcohol and the right amount. They always seemed to want to prove that it was good but just needed limited. Getting rid of it all together has been proven to be beneficial to weight loss and overall long-term health.


6. Start an evening strength training routine

Building muscle increases metabolism and thereby helps to burn more calories decreasing your weight. This is especially needed as we age because we start to lose muscle mass that just seemed to be natural when we were younger. In addition, studies have shown that strength training exercises are more effective if done in the evenings.


7. Do some form of cardio activity in the morning

Do whatever makes you happy because that will help you stick to it. Studies have shown that we burn more calories during aerobic activities done in the morning time. If the only time you have is the evening then by all means utilize your evening. Do not forgo it!


8. Start a yoga routine 

Or simply take 15 minutes a day to stretch and relax. Maybe do this after your evening strength training. Yoga has been shown to help you calm down and sleep better, which in turn helps with weight loss. Yoga also decreases stress. This will lower the stress hormone, cortisol, which causes belly fat. Read here for more information on yoga and weight loss.


9. Stop drinking juices. 

Grab a glass of water instead. Juice is a far too concentrated a source of fruit. Even if it says “no sugar added” don’t be fooled and move on to water. Eat the fruit instead of drinking it. You will consume a lot more calories from a juice without the extra benefits of the fruit such as fiber. 


10. Stop vitamin supplements.

Yes, that is correct, stop all those supplements unless they are prescribed to you by your doctor.  Studies have shown supplements may increase your risk of cancer and all-cause mortality. It is easier for your body to absorb and utilize nutrients that are eaten rather than in pill form. Quality research studies have shown we do not reap the same benefit from nutrients in a pill as we do from food. The pills can increase stress on your system. Try eating your nutrients instead, such as with an orange instead of a vitamin C tablet. Have an egg or salmon instead of vitamin B tablets. Eat raw leafy green vegetables instead of taking an iron tablet. I think you may be getting the drift here!


11. Get rid of protein shakes! 

Again, I am going to repeat two things: One-do not drink your calories or nutrients-eat them. Two-supplements-especially protein powders not prescribed by a medical doctor- can and have caused many serious health issues in young, previously healthy individuals such as kidney failure and cancer. Throw out all of those protein powders today! There are some badly performed studies (many done by the companies making these products) of very few patients touting an increased protein diet is a healthy one. They also falsely tout protein supplementation has no harm. Multiple valid studies with 1000s of patients have proved this wrong over the past few decades. The problem is the internet is inundated with so much false information from companies and people wanting to sell you their product that it creates too much noise for the truth and real, valid research that has been done. As doctors, we know this, because we regularly see young patients on protein powder supplements who run into serious health complications. The research supports our experience of what we are seeing in real life in our offices.


12. Increase your water intake. 

I know you know this, but this wouldn’t be a complete list without mentioning the obvious. Not only is water needed and healthy but it will take the place of other calorie-rich or artificial sweetener drinks you may otherwise drink. It is ZERO calories. Forgo all of the energy or electrolyte drinks. Opt instead for the water right from your tap. Filtered or bottled water is ok too, but as long as your water supply is clean you need the metals and other nutrients that come naturally in tap water. Plus, it is better for the environment and you to head to the tap instead of single-use plastics!


13. Stop eating fried foods. 

Try baked or steamed foods instead. Or better yet, if they are vegetables, try them raw!


14. Have SEX

Researchers actually tested this. They also averaged that a 1/2 hour sex session consumes between 150-250 calories. Woohoo!


15. Move. 

Just get up and move! Set a timer on your phone to literally stand up and move every 1-2 hours. Any movement is better than no movement. Even 2 minutes of stretching every few hours or going for a leisurely walk will benefit you. Find something that makes you happy, makes you feel good, and makes you want to do it again and do it!


Final thoughts

Just remember nothing happens overnight; slow and steady always wins the race. It took time to gain weight and it will take time to lose it.

Strict diets are hard to do and difficult to maintain. You do need a calorie deficit to lose weight but go easy on yourself!

Evaluate your well being, your surroundings and look at this list. Look at even one thing you could tackle first. Just changing one habit may have you on your way to a healthier you! Take it one day at a time. You can do it!



Health effects of vitamins and mineral supplements June 2020, BMJ Clinical Research 369(78):m2511, Research Net, accessed Sept 2022

Do supplements cause cancer? Here’s what new research says Jan 2020, Health: Nutrition, Health.com, accessed Sept 2022

High-protein diet is bad for kidney health: unleashing the taboo Nov 2019, Nephrology dialysis transplantation, Oxford academic journal website, accessed Sept 2022

You could be better at lifting weight depending on the time of day June 2018, Health, Insider.com, accessed Sept 2022

Get sexual for ultimate weight loss July 2006, Health and Sex, Webmd, accessed Sept 2022