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Bird Flu is Back! Avian flu, also called bird flu, is an influenza virus that mostly infects waterfowl such as ducks and geese. This virus has recently killed two mammals and infected two humans on different continents. The flu has devastated poultry farms in the US this year causing the deaths of over 53 million birds. Is it mutating to infect humans on a grander scale?

Featured Articles

Vibriosis is a rare and deadly infection of the skin or gastrointestinal tract. It lives in warm salty waters. Hurricane Ian has stirred it up and people helping with the clean-up are at risk. Learn about vibrio to stay safe!

Breast cancer is now the number ONE diagnosed cancer worldwide. It happens to Women AND MEN. Get screened because the sooner you catch it the better your results! 

Gas stoves release harmful emissions 2-3 times more than other appliances causing asthma, cardiac and other chronic illnesses, especially in kids. Click here to learn more and protect your health. 

Are you calling off of work or unable to get out of bed due to your period? Period symptoms are very common. It affects your Mental and Physical Health. Click here for remedies to this issue and causes that may be concerning!

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a “silent killer” that causes damage to your vessels and organs if left unchecked.

Yoga decreases the metabolic rate and calms us down which doesn’t sound the best for weight loss. Learn how to use yoga to lose weight!

Body odor is an issue we have all had. It can be very isolating. Read this more in-depth article explaining some possible causes and actions you may need to take!

Periods. Menses. Bleeding. There are a lot of names for that monthly ritual. I get many questions on this topic ranging from how to deal with it to what is normal. This is a great in-depth look that may be helpful whether you’re just beginning puberty or going through menopause.

Warning: some of these may surprise you! Stop the yoyo fad diet schemes that always end up with gaining it back. Learn how to lose weight in the long term and become a healthier you! 

Monkeypox is traveling across the world and the rates of infection are increasing in the US. Learn everything you need to know now.

Aluminum surrounds us everywhere, from the air we breathe to our hygiene products. It is the third most common metal on earth and easily recycled for reuse, but could it be harming us?

A case of Polio Paralysis in New York in July 2022 led to the discovery of underlying unreported poliovirus circulating in the state. This devastating disease is most common in young children and is easily prevented.

Researchers have been studying the effects of a very old vaccine still being used in many countries for tuberculosis (TB) disease, BCG on COVID. 

Antibiotics have saved millions of lives since they appeared on the scene in the 1940s, but they also have a dark side. Read more for an in-depth look at their effect on your body, your children and cancer rates. 

Brain-eating amoeba appears to be showing up in places once thought safe from this thing of nightmares after a child’s recent death in Nebraska. Click here to read more about this amoeba common in fresh-water sources.


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